Transformational Hypnosis with a certified master clinical hypnotherapist
Feel better, uncover your true potential, be happy and most of all... be free!
Feel better, uncover your true potential, be happy and most of all... be free!
If you are reading this right now, then I am probably who you need at this point in your life. The Universe has a wonderful way and bringing the right people to you when you ask.
If you smoke and need to quit, if you are addicted to sugar, fast food, alcohol, gambling, porn, drugs or pharmaceuticals I can help you get rid of the painful emotions you are attempting to anesthetize, as well as get rid of the craving itself.
If you are struggling to get out of depression, PTSD, constant anxiety or stress I can help you.
If you have lost your self confidence or self esteem following a toxic relationship or loss of a job I can make you feel strong and whole again.
If you feel stuck, I can unstick you. If you feel sad I can bring back your smile. If you feel you are being influenced by a negative entity I can remove it.
When I say I can do these things, all I am actually doing is guiding you through trance to be able to do it yourself through your own amazing mind. I am intuitive, I have a good understanding of psychology, I can easily lead people into a state of trance, but most importantly I know that we are all aspects of the Creator and have the ability to heal ourselves.
As we go through life we can collect negative beliefs, emotions and energies that block that loving, joyful, peaceful self that is naturally within. We get hurt and we get angry, or we get sad, guilty and afraid. We take on family or cultural 'stuff'. It's like blobs of muck get stuck to our pristine selves. As our vibration goes down, according to the law of attraction, we start to draw more events, people and circumstances into our life of that same negative frequency.
But it does not have to be that way. It is possible to completely release this negative energy using hypnotherapy - and return to the natural, creative, motivated, bright shining divine being that we are.
Although my certification as a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist implies I hypnotize people, a more accurate way to describe what I do is to de-hypnotize people - waking people up from old programming - helping people release negative emotions, beliefs and attachments so that they can be free. You are actually whole and perfect, just covered in stuff that needs to go.
I use Emotional Alchemy™, hypnosis and EFT to lift depression, end anxiety, help people quit smoking, lose weight, end phobias, release grief or guilt etc as well as remove blocks to success, end self sabotage, drug and alcohol addiction, destructive relationships, self harm, cutting and suicidal thoughts - and in so doing change the course of adults and children's lives.
If you would like to find out more about how I could help you improve your life and health through hypnosis, please feel free to give me a call.
To listen to me talking about Emotional Alchemy click here
Lose weight
Quit smoking
Break free from depression
Feel calm and at peace - free from stress and anxiety
Release past trauma and PTSD
Feel lighter and in better health as you release dark or 'discarnate' entities
Remove the emotional blocks to setting intention, taking action and enjoying the fruits of your labors
Cut the ties to people who are sapping your energy
Resolve erectile disfunction (ED)
End the punishment cycle caused by shame or guilt
End phobias of flying, driving, heights, dogs, cats, bugs, birds, water, elevators etc. forever
Have a clearer understanding of why you are here and your purpose
Sleep better and put an end to nightmares and night terrors
Let go of grief caused by the loss of a loved one
Extinguish your anger and release the hurt behind it
Fnd a solution to chronic pain or illness
Stop repeating the same negative relationship patterns
Experience past lives and end your fear of death
Attract more money and abundance
Sign up for special offers and training programs
Depression, fear, and anxiety don't just feel horrible but they block our motivation, inhibit our ability to think straight and prevent us from moving forward. Using a trance/visualization technique that I call Emotional Alchemy™, all these negative feelings can be let go; releasing feelings of peace, inspiration and even joy.
Past trauma and the associated PTSD symptoms of nighmares, anxiety, depression, grief, feelings of guilt or worthlessness can also be completely released using trance and hypnotic techniques as well as EFT (Tapping). The 'story' of what happened to you becomes just that; a story with no. emotional attachment. Triggers that once sent you into a downward spiral no longer effect you
There is nearly always an emotional pain or trauma behind an addiction, so the first thing to be addressed is healing these wounds. Then the craving itself can be released using the same Emotional Alchemy™ technique. Emotions, like all things are energy and the mind has the ability to transmute these energetic frequencies into higher, positive emotions that have no need of being anethsetized.
Please contact me with questions and to set up a time for a session with me.
I charge $150 for a first session (can last up to 2 hours) and $125 for a session after that (up to 90 mins). I offer 5 sessions for $500 paid in advance, with a really special deal of $200 for two sessions to quit smoking.
+1 305 432 5121 or +55 48 98816 4844 (Telegram x and Whatsapp) or +34 633 195 943